Reshingle over the existing old shingle?1855wannareno?
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If you are hoping to spare time, putting in new shingles over old shingles is a conceivable rooftop substitution arrangement. You need to make sure that you will be introducing the shingles over just a single other layer, however. A third layer of shingles will be too overwhelming to ever be bolstered. Re-material over old shingles can spare you time and cash, since you won't need to rip off the old rooftop and pay to have it pulled away. Seek Professional Advice

Contact your nearby government office to ask about neighborhood codes with respect to putting in new shingles over old ones. Construction standards in a few territories will keep this sort of establishment. Inspect the Roof You will require a stepping stool to move up to your rooftop. Guarantee that you are wearing legitimate foot wear with a decent grasp to stay away from damage or falling. Before you start introducing the new shingles, make certain to examine the rooftop for any harm. Harmed shingles ought to be expelled to check the decking for issues. Harmed decking should be repaired before you can introduce any new shingles. Cover the Old Shingles Introduce a layer of material felt over the rooftop before you start introducing the new shingles. The felt ought to be secured each six crawls with nails or staples. The layers of felt ought to be covered by 1 inch as you progress in the direction of the rooftop edge. This will help shield any dampness from getting under the felt. You might need to wear work gloves to abstain from harming your hand or creating rankles. Prepare for the Shingle Installation Utilize chalk line to stamp an inside line down the rooftop from the edge to the edge. Presently you should decide the quantity of shingles required to cover the rooftop along the edge for this initially push. Utilizing an utility blade, expel the tabs from the shingles you will be utilizing. Lay the Trimmed Shingles The main shingle ought to be focused over the line that you set apart with chalk. The shingle ought to likewise hang about a fourth of an inch over the rooftop edge. Secure the shingle with nails one inch from each corner. The following shingle ought to be put and secured adjacent to the first. Proceed with this until the point when the principal line of shingles is finished. Prepare for the Uncut Shingles Position one of the uncut shingles over a trimmed shingle. The uncut shingle should hang a fourth of an inch over the rooftop edge. Stamp the area of the highest point of the uncut shingle on the felt. Utilize the chalk line to stamp the line at that spot over the rooftop. Keep stamping lines each five crawls up to the rooftop edge. Utilize the chalk to stamp vertical lines from the middle to the outside edge of the rooftop at six-inch interims. Lay the Uncut Shingles Position a shingle with the principal even line. Secure the shingle with four nails. Two nails ought to be put an inch over the tabs, and two more nails ought to be put an inch from the best. Keep doing as such until the point when the primary column of uncut shingles is finished. Position the principal shingle of the second line with the second level line. Nail the second column of shingles utilizing an indistinguishable procedure from the principal push. Keep laying every one of the shingles push by push until the point that you achieve the edge of the rooftop. This venture would have taken up a greater amount of your valuable time had you expelled your old shingles first. Presently you can make the most of your new rooftop, and rest guaranteed that it will hold up until the point when the time has come to be supplanted. Dealing with your rooftop can be hazardous, however. In the event that whenever you start to feel dangerous or uncertain of what you are doing, there is nothing amiss with calling a contractual worker.